Ganna Sorbat presented her first book of poetry “The way back home” at her recital
From the interview with Viktoria Gorelova
Ganna Sorbat is a poetess and writer…
Ganna Sorbat’s talent shows itself not only in musical creativity but in poetry too. Ganna writes poems in Ukrainian, Russian and English and she also creates lyrics for her songs. Two months ago Ganna Sorbat presented her first book of poetry “The way back home”. This book was presented by Ganna at her recital, attended by the head of the social organization “Ukrainika” and member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) Nina Balasanyan, the painter, designer and member of the National Union of Folk Art Masters of Ukraine (NUFAMU) Olesya Vakulenko, and the poetess and interpreter Evelina Volchok. They have all made significant contributions to the creation of Sorbat’s poetry book.
I dedicate my collection of poems to my parents; they are my treasure and the most important people in my life
Ganna Sorbat
“This book is not only symbolic but also embodies my spirit, my hopes and dreams. I hope all those who have strayed from their path in life or who are far from their relatives and loved ones find their way and come to the place called “Sweet Home” – a place where someone will be waiting for them and where love is unconditional.” – G. Sorbat
“I’d like to express individual gratitude to the editor and publisher of my book of poetry, to the head of the Kharkov Ukrainian literature club “Apostrophe” and to the member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine (NUWU) and great poetess Larisa Vyrovec as well as to the other contributors mentioned above.” – G. Sorbat
This budding author also hopes to publish a number of stories written in Russian and English soon for all the world to read.
Text: Viktoria Gorelova