Blog Post

01 February 2014

Ganna performed in Arabic concert “Mohamad Hamami & Sharq Orchestra” on February 1st, 2014

From the interview with Viktoria Gorelova

Ganna as a concert pianist… 

Among the performances in which Ganna Sorbat has been featured as a pianist are Arabic concert “Mohamad Hamami & Sharq Orchestra”, February 1st, 2014 in the DUCTAC theatre of the famous Trade Centre Mall of the Emirates, Dubai.

– Have you participated in any other events in the United Arab Emirates, which you remember vividly?

– There were other significant concerts for me. One was the Arabic concert in which I participated as pianist on February 1st, 2014. I think very few Ukrainian performers have had an opportunity to play Arabic music in an orchestra with such renowned Arabic musicians as the brothers Mohamed and Ayham Hamami.

Text: Viktoria Gorelova


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