Blog Post

15 February 2014

Ganna Sorbat’s Recital “Consuelo de mi alma”

From the interview with Viktoria Gorelova

Ganna as a concert pianist…

I felt that all the people listening had their own personal response to the music being performed by my talented musician friends. It was the kind of life moment that I would have liked to go on and on

Ganna Sorbat

Among important events in the life of the young composer, pianist and vocalist Ganna Sorbat was her Recital entitled “Consuelo de mi alma” which took place on February 15th, 2014 at the Information-Exhibition Center “Buzok” (HATOB) in the composer’s hometown Kharkov, Ukraine. The concert program was compiled from Ganna’s own original music.

I know that without the support of my family and their help with all the organizational challenges, we wouldn’t have reached the high level of performance the audience was able to enjoy

Ganna Sorbat 

– I have heard from the audience that you prepared your recital in a very short time. Even though it was quickly organised, the musicians were very excited and readily agreed to perform with you. How was the performance? Did you enjoy it?

– We all were full of euphoria being surrounded by the wonderful melodious sounds of Anna Sirotina’s flute, the unsurpassed skill of pianist Sergey Davydov and the exquisite voice timbre of Ephim Miroshnichenko. I felt that all the people listening had their own personal response to the music being performed by my talented musician friends. It was the kind of life moment that I would have liked to go on and on.

After the concert listeners came up to me and said they were so inspired by my compositions that they got “goose bumps”. Such words spoken from the heart inspire and lend wings to a composer for continuing the creation of beautiful music.

The recital was totally a spontaneous idea, as I wanted to support my family and country during a difficult time. I only had less than two weeks before returning to the UAE, so it was necessary to do everything very quickly. I had to compile the concert program, schedule the date and place, have rehearsals with musicians, invite the audience etc. I know that without the support of my family and their help with all the organizational challenges, we wouldn’t have reached the high level of performance the audience was able to enjoy.

The success of the performance was due to the support of my parents and brother, presenter and curator Nina Balasanyan, and such diverse musicians as Sergey Davydov, Anna Sirotina and Ephim Miroshnichenko. Thanks a lot to all of them!

The Ukraine was overtaken by tragedy and people were suffering… Best thing one can do to help in such a situation is to do something good, help people and simply show love. I couldn’t stand aside and just shut my eyes to what was going on… I felt I had to do something…

Ganna Sorbat 

– Why did you decide to hold a concert in Ukraine at a time when there were political protests on the Maidan in Kiev and in other cities? Do you think it was the right time to perform music for the people of your city?

– I consider this concert as not only an achievement and a new level in my creative development, but also as necessary and important for those people who attended it. The Ukraine was overtaken by tragedy and people were suffering – still are suffering – they are concerned with survival, how to maintain their families and what will be their future. Best thing one can do to help in such a situation is to do something good, help people and simply show love. I couldn’t stand aside and just shut my eyes to what was going on – and fly back to the Emirates regardless. I felt I had to do something… and the “something” was a message of love and joy of life expressed through my music in the beautiful gallery “Buzok”.

Text: Viktoria Gorelova


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